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”Dear Laura
Below is a break down of my experience trough the sessions I have been having with you to help with changing my continuous unhappiness in life in to happiness …….Only a few days after our first consultation appointment ,I have noticed an increase in confidence ,motivation and a very strange sense of well being and contentment within myself, so unexpected at such early stage in to the therapy that I could really not understand what was happening to me and to my usual self, it was only after having spoken to you about it that I learn that my mind was already making some important changes.
After our first session the changes became extremely visible and recognisable ,suddenly I was able to enjoy every little happening in my day to day ,and the less enjoyable things did not seem to bother me, a new found happiness ,it has felt since, like I have given myself a second chance to see what i have been missing and i am enjoy even the things that once were of absolutely no importance to me.
The second session has changed my life forever,
I now am feeling totally fulfilled by myself and those that i love, i feel in control of my life ,of every emotion ,I own every failure ,learn from it and transform it in a positive ,and most importantly I finally feel proud and own every success ,every achievement I am able to recognise as mine .
I feel so liberated, I am free, I am free from my old self, I feel I am starting a new life ,i feel like I am feeling emotions I have never felt before, I feel like I am loving all the important people in my life in a more passionate amazing way, every emotion feels like is the first time.
The third final session
It has been an incredible journey of self assessment, self motivation, self criticism ,an incredible journey within myself ,rediscovering who I am and who i could be without those barriers my subconscious had created .
Trough this journey ,with your great experience, with your deep understanding of every aspect of all my needs and my desperate desire to feel I have achieved ,to feel happy to feel simply that I am living my life to the full, I have achieved every step in my list ,I have achieved every wish ,every emotion ,I have achieved the change I have so longed for ,for many years.
Laura, I am unable to put in words my gratitude towards you, you have been a mentor as well as a therapist ,the help and guidance you have led my way to success is more then remarkable ,forever in your debt for changing my life.”
M.Elizabeth Sanciu Edwards
“I would like to thank Laura , she has made me feel so much better and relaxed than I have for a long time and I feel that I can face my fear. ( which I don’t have anymore). And enjoy myself again. Thank you Laura ( I love you).”
Suzanne Scutts
You won’t find a kinder more understanding therapist than Laura. She will put you at your ease and be as excited as you are when you accomplish your goals. I saw Laura to help me lose weight not only am I over a stone and a half down but my anxiety has disappeared too. You won’t regret choosing Laura, call her now.”
“…I found Laura’s website and I am so thankful. Laura sat down with me and was able to identify why my subconscious was sabotaging me. Laura has now helped me in a way I did not think was possible for someone like myself. I am now the captain of my ship. I am excited about the future and feeling confident. Laura you are AWESOME! Thank you.”
Natasha Pilter
“Laura has some very effective ways of helping you to understand your situation better. She is very dedicated and puts lots of effort into each and every session. She is a great Therapist and she has really helped me progress. Thank you Laura.”
The CONTROL SYSTEM is an amazing tool and I’ve treated many clients now with this Rapid technique and it really has even blown me away With how fantastic it is. It is so exciting to do, as it is to have it done as a Therapy. I have done so well I even made My mentor/ author Tim Box proud so I became practitioner of the week within my first year of being as a CONTROL PRACTIONER which is AWESOME 😁. PRACTITIONER OF THE WEEK!! It’s Practitioner of the week time again, and this week I have chosen the AWESOME Laura O’Callaghan!! Laura came to CONTROL having already trained in and established herself in the fields of Hypnotherapy, CBT and NLP. Her and the CONTROL system just instantly clicked and she has been doing some absolutely amazing work since qualifying with the Academy. Check out the testimonial she put up on her page Mind Therapy this week: ”After suffering for nearly 3 years with anxiety & Depression, in January I took a huge dip and become barely able to function, having severe panic attacks and self harming. Knowing the NHS was stretched I decided to look for private therapy. I found Laura’s leaflet and liked the look of what was on offer. When phoning up I was booked in instantly for a consultation after which I came out feeling great. I chose The CONTROL system as my Therapy not knowing that after just my first session I would notice the difference In my levels of anxiety. I was able to walk around people again plus attend a job interview. After my second session I felt myself again practically no feelings of anxiety and able to walk myself to the front door AMAZING!. My third and final session , I walked in having secured a new job – the one I interviewed for after my first session and a new flat. No stress, No Anxiety and feeling myself again. This has been an amazing journey and I would shout from the rooftops to anyone needing help to attend sessions with Laura. Bring on having my life back under Control.” Sally Coleman I am SO proud to have Laura on our ever-growing team of CONTROL Practitioners, not least because she has had to overcome some tremendous personal challenges and health issues to get where she is now. Laura doesn’t just talk the talk, she walks the walk and is a shining example of what can be achieved when you get your mindset right! Congratulations, Laura! Practitioner of the week! 🙂 Tim xx
The CONTROL SYSTEM is an amazing tool and I’ve treated many clients now with this Rapid technique and it really has even blown me away With how fantastic it is. It is so exciting to do, as it is to have it done as a Therapy. I have done so well I even made My mentor/ author Tim Box proud so I became practitioner of the week within my first year of being as a CONTROL PRACTIONER which is AWESOME 😁. PRACTITIONER OF THE WEEK!! It’s Practitioner of the week time again, and this week I have chosen the AWESOME Laura O’Callaghan!! Laura came to CONTROL having already trained in and established herself in the fields of Hypnotherapy, CBT and NLP. Her and the CONTROL system just instantly clicked and she has been doing some absolutely amazing work since qualifying with the Academy. Check out the testimonial she put up on her page Mind Therapy this week: ”After suffering for nearly 3 years with anxiety & Depression, in January I took a huge dip and become barely able to function, having severe panic attacks and self harming. Knowing the NHS was stretched I decided to look for private therapy. I found Laura’s leaflet and liked the look of what was on offer. When phoning up I was booked in instantly for a consultation after which I came out feeling great. I chose The CONTROL system as my Therapy not knowing that after just my first session I would notice the difference In my levels of anxiety. I was able to walk around people again plus attend a job interview. After my second session I felt myself again practically no feelings of anxiety and able to walk myself to the front door AMAZING!. My third and final session , I walked in having secured a new job – the one I interviewed for after my first session and a new flat. No stress, No Anxiety and feeling myself again. This has been an amazing journey and I would shout from the rooftops to anyone needing help to attend sessions with Laura. Bring on having my life back under Control.” Sally Coleman I am SO proud to have Laura on our ever-growing team of CONTROL Practitioners, not least because she has had to overcome some tremendous personal challenges and health issues to get where she is now. Laura doesn’t just talk the talk, she walks the walk and is a shining example of what can be achieved when you get your mindset right! Congratulations, Laura! Practitioner of the week! 🙂 Tim xx
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