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About me
I never use to share this but its only fair I bare all. Its how I become a the compassionate therapist that I am and why I do what I do.
I myself have overcome the challenges of a shocking traumatic divorce and abandonment in the past. Then unfortunately entered a controlled, manipulative relationship.
I later was bullied at work and lost my job as a preschool teacher unfairly on health grounds due to the start of chronic illnesses all made worse by having no support.
I have to admit that I’ve been playing small and not yet making the impact I know that I’m here to make.
Because I didn’t want to talk about myself, I spent a long time not letting chronic illness define me so I stopped talking about it too much.
I’m just so passionate about my work, however, I want to inspire and continue Helping others to gain CONTROL of their lives and ANXIETY ( emotions) and get off the train of OVERWHELM.
I know that there are a lot of people I could help who experience, STRESS, OVERWHELM, ANXIETY, SELF DOUBT, LOW SELF ESTEEM, LACK CONFIDENCE, plus many people with chronic illness with psychological issues struggling with feelings of burnout, anxiety, hopelessness, stress, shame, guilt, low self-esteem, self doubt and grief, that I have also overcome.
I want to help people overcome these issues and not just survive but thrive. Plus live a fulfilled life with abundance and joy despite chronic illnesses.
Even though I am a fighter and chronic illness warrior, I’ve done a lot of self-development myself and helped many others Gain CONTROL of Anxiety and get off the train of being overwhelmed. I’ve Reframed minds for a better life and mindset, so they now live the best version of themselves by locking in limiting beliefs that no longer serve them.
However, life has not always been easy. I know what it’s like having a breakdown, burnout, depression and that feeling of being in a black hole with no light at the end of the tunnel, feeling helpless and guilty of my disabilities, and so much more.
I used to suffer from Anxiety and was overwhelmed, feeling guilty and scared of what was wrong with me. Followed by low self-esteem, lack of confidence, self-doubt, and feeling just not good enough. Trying to negotiate so many symptoms that come with chronic illness.
A decade ago, that struggle consumed my life. I truly know what it’s like to wake up and cry out “Why me”?
I felt scared overwhelmed and anxious I use to wonder what my future holds being disabled and unable to do what I use to do.
Thinking about where is my life heading, and what’s happened to my old life again. Grieving my old life for a second time, Plus now this though it’s the old me.
And to lay down at night not being able to sleep, thinking about having no job, money worries, health issues, suffering all over body pain, dizziness a heart rate of 154 just lying down, cluster migraines, sweating etc….overthinking ouch that racing brain.
It got so bad that I cried myself to sleep. I just wanted to run away from my brain and cry because I knew there was no escape from myself.
So, I know how painful it can be to be stressed, anxious, overwhelmed, have no money and strong for too long and get burnt out and lose your independence and health so much more.
However, thankfully I know what it’s like to be on the other side of it. The body getting stronger and feeling accomplished life having a purpose, realising I’m stronger than I thought and found while my body may be failing my mind was my superpower and found resilience and happy with life again which then helped me manage to start healing my body..
To learn acceptance and Gain CONTROL of ANXIETY ( my emotions) get off the train of overwhelm and have a life where I wake up to peace calm tranquillity and joy.
I have eliminated many symptoms high blood pressure, IBS, autonomic dysfunction, high heart rate, and cluster headaches, plus managed many of them brain fog, and pain it’s been a journey however I now live a positive happy life regardless of my disabilities and the curve balls life continues to throw at me.
I am in CONTROL of my chronic illnesses and have been on a health and healing mindset journey of self-love feeling confident, and liberated and achieved so much and found my calling.
I go to bed at night with a strong positive outlook thinking about living in the moment and being my best self and grateful for how far I’ve come despite chronic illnesses. Plus how much I’ve achieved and how strong and resilient we can be with the right mindset.
Believe and you will achieve!!
The best part is now my past traumas are in the past my chronic illness no longer defines who I am, my mind is at least quiet and so at ease and I flow with life in abundance.
I’ve remarried to an amazing man who loves me unconditionally and I do him. I’ve learnt to focus on the things I can do and can control and live in the present moment with gratitude peace and calm that’s the best lesson to learn…
what you focus on grows.
And, I want this kind of life for everyone that’s why I do the work that I do.
Even though there’s a part of me that thinks I’m sharing too much about my life here, my deeper truth is that I care way too much about helping people to Gain CONTROL of their chaotic lives and anxiety (their emotions) and get off the train of being overwhelmed to let that fear stop me.
I know how painful it can be when you overthink, feel lost, helpless, in pain, guilty, frustrated, angry, confused, stressed and anxiety can lead to having a chronic illness, disabilities the feeling of no way out.
And, I have dedicated myself to hundreds of clients over the decade.
If you (or anyone you know) struggles with
Stress, Anxiety, overwhelm, self-doubt, lack of confidence, relationship issues, divorce, trust issues, or feeling stuck the list is endless etc I’m offering 5 free Gain CONTROL of your authentic self-discovery sessions to help you start moving towards Gaining CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE and ANXIETY (your emotions) and get off the train of overwhelm.
Life is too short to spend it with Worry, stress and despair it will make you unwell. Trust me I know!!!
I’d be honoured to support you (or someone you care about).
Let me know below if I can be of service to you or someone you care about.
Ready to take control of your life and emotions?
Discover how Laura can help you overcome stress, anxiety, and overwhelm to live a more fulfilled, balanced life.
Connect with us today and start your journey toward lasting change.
Let’s work together to unlock your potential and create the life you deserve. Reach out now—we’re here to support you every step of the way.